Halloween has come and gone, and so November follows quickly behind. The first snowfall has already occurred, but luckily for us, it hasn’t been able to stick around. Before we know it, though, snow will be piled up around us.
Instead of focusing on the cold and dreary colors that will come soon, I feel it important to take a look at some colorful paintings that have been done by wonderful Scott County artists. Their bright and beautiful colors will surely amaze, whether they were done with oil, watercolor, or acrylic paint. We have many paintings, several from the same artists, but I have chosen to pick a variety of paintings to show the diversity of the painters and their skills throughout the county.
I like to think that pictures – or paintings, in this case, are worth a thousand words, so without much more to say about these paintings, I leave you to take a look at them below and enjoy.
I hope that these paintings brighten your day. Thank you to the artists who have taken their time to paint such wonderful images that are close to their hearts, as well as donating them to SCHS so we may preserve them for future generations. Feel free to visit SCHS to see these paintings in person, or donate paintings of your own.
Oil painting of the Moses Starr Titus residence in Shakopee, 1868. Artist unknown.
Painting of a street scene in Prior Lake 1965. Artist: John McGuire.
Pastel and acrylic painting of Joan of Arc, undated. Artist: Lorraine Coller.
Painting of St. Paul House, 1971. Artist: LeRoy Lebens.
Painting of Dallas Cowboy Tony Dorsett, date unknown. Artist: Dave Tommy (a Shakopee HS student)
Oil painting of Josephine Sand Grommesch. Artist: Patricia Kness, great-granddaughter,
Watercolor painting of Dr. Nevin’s House in Shakopee, 1993. Artist: Susan Melchior.
Watercolor painting of Murphy’s Landing, 1993. Artist: Susan Melchior.
Watercolor painting of the Old Monnens Farm in Shakopee, 1992. Artist: Lila Greenwood