member of schs board of directors

If you love history and your community, why not give back as a member of the Board of Directors at Scott County Historical Society? We need your insight as we look for new ways to engage the Scott County community and share a love of local history.

What we’re looking for

  • Interest and passion for local history is a must!

  • Knowledge of or interest in the operation of a history museum, basic nonprofit accounting, public programming, or community engagement and previous experience on a nonprofit board are all pluses, but not requirements.

what we’re asking for

  • Attend board meetings on the second Wednesday of every month, from 4-6pm. Meetings are currently virtual, but will return to in person meetings at our museum in downtown Shakopee in August or September, if conditions allow.

  • Attend occasional fundraisers, events, and programs in the community and at the Stans Museum. There may be 3-4 events per year, when conditions allow, that board members are not required but highly encouraged to attend.

  • Attend the annual meeting of the SCHS Board in May. Once per year SCHS holds an Annual Meeting for all museum members which board members are required to attend.

  • Advocate for the interests of SCHS in the community, spread word about the organization, our public programs, and available resources.

How to Apply

Tell us, in less than a page, why you are interested in joining the board. Email that summary and a brief resume of relevant experience to For questions, please email to the above or call (952) 445-0378.