Your story matters.

Learn more about Story share!

Story Share is an opportunity for groups to come together and share their stories. They will be recorded and collected as part of the SCHS collection, preserved as a resource for years to come.

What is Oral History?

Oral history is defined as the collection of memories, information, and stories form a person or group in the form of audio, video, or transcriptions. Oral histories are an important resource because they allow firsthand accounts to be preserved for future researchers, historians, and the public, painting a picture of what life was like from someone who lived it.

How it works

On the agreed date and time, we will come to you, equipped with everything we need to record and facilitate discussion. Participants will have the opportunity to share their memories of life in Scott County. Sessions will last about one hour, with time for everyone to speak.

We will never ask anyone to share anything they are not comfortable with. Bringing special items or photographs is encouraged, but not required. All participants will be required to sign an oral history release form.


Each Story Share session has a flat fee of $60. We provide everything we need, including recording equipment. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page to book your Story Share today!


Ready to book your Story Share?

Fill out the form below and SCHS staff will get back to you soon to book your group’s oral history session!