Yesterday and Today in Prior Lake

Downtown WWII Parade

On September 2nd, 1945, Americans all over the country celebrated the end of World War II. The weeks following were a very busy time, as troops came home and the country continued to rejoice. The first photo displays one of those celebrations in Prior Lake, in which the city held a parade with streams and flags to decorate. Roughly 65 years later, Prior Lake continues to hold fun events. Street parades are exciting, but Prior Lake now puts on an annual parade of boats. People are encouraged to decorate their boat and drive around the lake ending at Charlie’s on Prior.

Grainwood Resort

The Grainwood Resort opened up in 1879 on the beautiful shores of Prior Lake. It was a lodge for citizens to come and lounge while enjoying the lake. Each room has an “up north” theme to embody a Minnesota cabin. Grainwood ended up selling the property years later and moved a couple miles to open up a retirement home for seniors in the community. The lake still remains in its beauty and visited by many.

Swimming on Prior Lake

One of the most prominent parts of Prior Lake is the beauty of the main lake. Prior Lake has a marina, drive up restaurant, fun fishing and tons of beaches for family and friends to enjoy. The first photo shows children are swimming and enjoying the lake. With multiple pristine spots of the lake one of the most prominent ones is Waltz beach, displayed in the second photo. With buoy markers and lifeguards, its a great place to take a dip in the lake.